Going Paperless: Document Scanning Services for HR Departments

2 min read
April 14, 2023

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Welcome to the digital age, where we can do almost everything without the need for paper documents. As technology continues to advance, it's time for HR departments to consider going paperless. With document scanning services, managing people has never been easier.

So, what exactly are document scanning services? They are professional services that convert paper documents into digital files. This process involves using specialized scanners to convert paper documents into digital copies that can be stored electronically. With document scanning services, you can go paperless, automate data entry, and improve accessibility and retrieval.

Advantages of Going Paperless

Going paperless has several benefits. First and foremost, it saves time and money. No more searching for lost documents, no more wasting money on paper, toner, and ink cartridges. With a paperless HR department, you can focus on managing human capital, which is the most valuable asset of any organization.

Secondly, going paperless reduces your environmental impact. It's no secret that paper manufacturing and disposal are major contributors to environmental degradation. By going paperless, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Finally, going paperless enhances data security. Paper documents are vulnerable to theft, loss, and damage. Digital files, on the other hand, can be secured with passwords, encryption, and other security measures. This ensures that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access.

Document Scanning Services for HR

So, how can document scanning services help your HR department? First, it can help you digitize your records. With a paperless HR department, you can easily store, retrieve, and manage employee records, resumes, and business cards. This can save you time and resources when you need to access employee information.

Second, document scanning services can automate data entry. By using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, you can convert scanned documents into editable text. This can save you time and reduce errors associated with manual data entry.

Third, document scanning services can improve accessibility and retrieval. By digitizing your records, you can easily search and retrieve documents from anywhere using mobile apps or cloud-based storage. This can save you time and make it easier to manage your HR department remotely.

Best Practices for Going Paperless

To successfully transition to a paperless HR department, you need to set clear goals, involve all stakeholders, and establish standard operating procedures. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Identify the documents you want to digitize, prioritize them, and develop a plan for scanning them.
  2. Involve all stakeholders, including employees, managers, and IT personnel, in the transition process.
  3. Establish standard operating procedures for scanning, storing, and retrieving documents. Make sure everyone understands these procedures.
  4. Train your employees on how to use the new system, including mobile apps and cloud-based storage.
  5. Test the system before going live to ensure that it works properly.


Going paperless can save you time and money, reduce your environmental impact, and enhance data security. With document scanning services, you can digitize your HR records, automate data entry, and improve accessibility and retrieval. To successfully transition to a paperless HR department, you need to set clear goals, involve all stakeholders, and establish standard operating procedures. So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the digital age and take advantage of document scanning services to streamline your operations and enhance your competitiveness.

Looking to scan your HR files? Let's get you a quote!