Business Document Scanning Services

Make your office better by going paperless.

Simplify Your Office by Eliminating Paper

When you run a business, a never-ending stream of mail, invoices, receipts, and other important papers always seems to follow. These documents start to pile up and turn your desk into a mess without a proper organizational system. Even with a decent strategy for tackling your paper problem, it’s never easy to thumb through your files to find the information you need. Converting your business’s office to a paperless setup can fix the issues caused by paper documents.

Business document scanning services can take your current office and make it organized, efficient, and convenient. When you step into your office, you will no longer have to search through a pile of papers to find the information you need. Instead, you only need to log into your digital document management system and easily search your file library to access the data you want. Convenient file access makes running your business easier for you and your team. 

Imagine a tax season without the hassle. No more scouring every corner of your office for every receipt needed for deductions. Instead, picture how effortless customer service could be. With just a digital search, you can quickly find any previous transaction in your digital storage, eliminating the need to dig through filing cabinets.

At DocCapture, we can match you with the right local document-scanning business to create the paperless office of your dreams. All of our partners use optical character recognition (OCR) scanners that turn your physical business documents—including receipts, invoices, and large-format documents such as architectural drawings and images—into searchable digital files. Then, all your files are compiled into an easy-to-use document management system that makes searching your entire business document library simple.

If you want to simplify your office by converting to a paperless system, fill out the form to get a quote today!

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Looking to Scan Your Business Documents?

Get connected to the best document scanning company in your area. Contact us today!

Technology and Process Overview

At DocCapture, we connect you with professional service providers who use state-of-the-art document scanning technology. These providers use optical character recognition (OCR) and advanced scanning methods to ensure precision and efficiency. This approach ensures that your documents are digitized with the highest accuracy, securing your data during the transition to paperless and catering to industry-specific requirements.

Environmental Impact 

Partnering with DocCapture leads to environmental benefits as our network of providers facilitates the transition to digital formats. This shift reduces paper use, aids environmental conservation, and aligns with sustainable business practices. Going paperless optimizes operational efficiency and contributes to a greener, more sustainable planet.

Customized Solutions

Understanding that each industry has unique demands, DocCapture connects you with providers offering tailored document scanning solutions. Whether you're in the legal, healthcare, or financial sectors, our network ensures compliance and efficiency, providing a digitization solution that meets your specific industry needs.

Client Onboarding Process

At DocCapture, we connect you with service providers who use state-of-the-art document scanning technology. These providers use optical character recognition (OCR) and advanced scanning methods to ensure precision and efficiency. This approach ensures that your documents are digitized with the highest accuracy, securing your data during the transition to paperless and catering to industry-specific requirements.

Advanced Security Protocols 

Our service providers scan your documents with high security. They follow strict data protection laws and use strong security measures, including digital encryption and physical safeguards, to keep your documents confidential and secure.

Integration Capabilities 

We connect you with service providers who offer digital documents that can easily be integrated with different digital management systems or cloud services. This compatibility ensures that transitioning to digital document management will improve access, streamline workflows, and increase productivity.

Future-Proofing Your Business Through DocCapture's Network

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, future-proofing your business is crucial. DocCapture recognizes this need and connects you with top-tier digital document management solutions. By leveraging our network of expert service providers, your business can transition to a digital model that's not only efficient today but also adaptable for tomorrow's technological advancements.

This shift to digital documents ensures your business remains agile, scalable, and ready to embrace new digital tools and trends. With DocCapture, prepare your business for the future, ensuring longevity and relevance in an increasingly digital world.

How Does the Business Document Scanning Process Work?

Everyone wants to make their business more efficient. Going paperless is a great way to increase your efficiency by removing the need for extensive storage solutions and paper filing systems and the hassle of digging through old files to find that receipt from a business lunch you had three months ago. Hiring a document scanning service is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to convert your business documents into a digital system.

These services take your paper files and convert them into the digital format of your choice—like Word or PDF files. The digital transformation into electronic files allows you to replace your bank of filing cabinets with folders of easily searchable files. In addition to making it easier to access your information, scanning services take the most tedious digitization process off your shoulders—the actual scanning and digitizing of your documents. 

Here is how the business document scanning process works:

  • You take every paper file you want to be scanned, such as receipts, invoices, business applications, medical records, or other business documents, and package them in a box for your scanning service.
  • The service then picks up your box (or boxes) and transports your documents to a secure document conversion facility.
  • Once the boxes arrive at the scanning facility, your scanning project provider scans your paper files with an optical character recognition (OCR) scanner and converts the documents into your desired file format.
  • Then, the new digital copies of your paper documents are sorted into your chosen electronic document management system—this system makes your records easy to access. 
  • After the files are scanned and converted, your scanning service either shreds, securely stores, or returns your physical copies in compliance with state and federal regulations.

With document scanning services, you never need to worry about filing documents in the correct location or storing them for the proper amount of time because the service takes care of that for you in compliance with state and federal regulations. Consequently, the service removes the stress of maintaining your filing system so you can focus on what matters most to your business—your customers.

Reducing Costs, Maximizing Efficiency: The DocCapture Advantage

At DocCapture, we realize that running your business keeps you busy enough. Even though you want to go paperless and may have excellent local or regional document scanning and digital services in your area, you may not have the time to find them. That’s where we can help.

We take the time to find scanning services in your area and connect them with your business to simplify the process of going paperless. Instead of taking the time to search for someone to handle your documents, we do it for you. That way, you don’t have to worry about managing the responsibility of eliminating paper on your own.

The scanning service providers within our network provide the best experience possible and work hard to ensure your documents are processed safely and securely. Our affiliated services handle digitizing services on a large scale, which gives you a quick turnaround on accessing your electronic files and reduces file storage costs for your business.

To find out more about what DocCapture can do to help you improve your office and how much hiring a scanning service would cost, fill out the form to get a free quote today!


Do I need to prepare my documents for scanning?

Minimal preparation is needed on your part. Our pre-vetted scanning partners handle the majority of the preparation process. However, for optimal scanning quality and efficiency, we recommend removing any staples or clips and ensuring the documents are in good condition. If you have specific organization or categorization needs, briefly sorting the documents into designated categories can also be beneficial. Our partners are equipped to handle the rest, ensuring a seamless scanning process.

What types of documents can be scanned through your service?

DocCapture's network specializes in a wide range of business documents. This includes, but is not limited to, financial records, employee files, legal documents, and technical manuals. Whether your documents are standard-sized, oversized, or require special handling due to their age or condition, our pre-vetted local scanning companies are equipped to handle your needs with precision and care.

How secure is the document scanning process?

Security is our top priority. We understand the sensitive nature of business documents. Our pre-vetted scanning partners are chosen based on stringent criteria, including their adherence to strict security protocols. This encompasses secure transportation, controlled scanning environments, and secure data handling practices. Furthermore, all personnel involved in the scanning process undergo thorough background checks and are trained in data privacy regulations to ensure your information remains confidential.

After scanning, how do I access my digital documents?

Once the scanning process is complete, your digital documents will be made available to you through a secure, encrypted method of your choice. Options typically include secure cloud storage, encrypted hard drives, or secure FTP transfers, ensuring you can access your documents conveniently and safely. Our customer support team will guide you in choosing the most suitable method based on your organizational needs and preferences, ensuring a smooth transition to a digital workspace.