How to Find the Best Document Scanning Company in Tennessee

2 min read
February 7, 2023

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Trying to find the best document scanning company in Tennessee can feel overwhelming. With so many companies on the market, it can be difficult to determine which one is best suited for your needs.

To start your search, it’s important to understand what factors to consider when evaluating different scanning companies.

This includes determining your needs, looking into the scanner’s experience and reputation, security and compliance such as HIPAA and SOC 2 Type 2, understanding their document scanning process, and even touring the facility if possible.

Determining Your Needs

The first step in finding a good scanning company is understanding what you need from them.

Consider how much data will need to be scanned and how often new documents will need to be added. 

Also, think about what type of documents you have—are they paper or digital? Do they need to be converted into digital files or just stored securely? Answering these questions will help you narrow down your list of potential companies.

Remember, there are a variety of documents that can be scanned to streamline business processes, including:

Experience and Reputation

Once you know what type of services you are looking for, research the experience of each potential company.

  • How long have they been in business?
  • What do people say about them online?
  • Do they have references in a similar industry you can speak with?

It’s also important to make sure that any potential company is registered with the state or local government where applicable.

Security and Compliance

When dealing with sensitive information, it’s important that any document scanning company follows proper security protocols.

Ask potential companies about their security measures, such as encryption technologies and data destruction policies.

You should also ask about compliance standards such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) or SOC 2 Type 2 (Service Organization Controls). These organizations set strict standards for maintaining secure systems, so it’s important that any potential document scanning partner meets those standards.

Understanding Their Process

It’s also important to understand how a potential partner scans documents

  • Do they use manual processes or automated ones?
  • What kind of scanners do they use?
  • Can they customize their process based on your specific needs?

A good partner will be able to answer all of these questions clearly and concisely while demonstrating their expertise in the field.

Encourage A Tour Of The Facility

Finally, if possible, take a tour of the facility before making a decision on which scanning company is right for you.

Seeing firsthand how the scanners work, who works there, and how organized everything is can give you peace of mind when selecting a partner for your document scanning needs.


After researching all these factors, if you still don’t feel confident selecting a good document scanning company yourself, then contact DocCapture

At DocCapture our team has years of experience helping businesses find reliable partners for their document scanning projects – quickly connecting customers with reputable companies who meet their exact needs.

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